Thursday, March 22, 2012

Family of 6 is perfect, a dozen donuts is shared evenly!

I almost said shared perfectly, but when you have a teenage boy, he can pretty much eat the entire box alone.  We LOVE being a family of 6!!  Kid 1 is 14, Kid 2 is 11, Kid 3 is 10, and Kid 4 is 7.  I was as thrilled to find out we were expecting Kid 4 as I was Kid 1.  In fact, when that test turned positive, I literally fell on my face sobbing before God, thanking Him for making me a vessel for another of His miracles!!  We are just so proud of our kiddos, they are truly the world's greatest kids.

Keeping it real, a few challenges to a family of six:
-Can't (legally) share a hotel room.  Most hotels will only allow 5 people in a room due to their fire codes.
-Have to wait longer for a table at a restaurant.
-An unreal amount of laundry.
-Unless you have a huge house, some will have to share rooms.  I tell my kids they share rooms growing up, they share rooms in college, they share rooms when they get married.  It's part of life.
-No man on man coverage.  Even when my husband is home it's tough to get them all where they need to be.  Especially now that it's baseball/softball season and some nights all 4 have practice.  You didn't think their practices would be at the same place, did you?

Isn't this picture funny?  It's 6 bikes loaded on our truck!!  We love our big family.  It's crazy busy, but so much fun and filled with love.  


  1. Oh you have such a beautiful family!!! I totally relate to the teenage boy eating comment...uuuuug They eat so much. We also have many boys and one girl. 4 boys on earth and one in heaven. So great to read about your family. I found you from Kelly's.

  2. What a precious family you have! I love your blog...came over from Kelly's! Have a great weekend!

  3. Coming over from Kelly's Korner! Loved your post! I have four too - 3 boys 1 princess. I laughed out loud with the hotel comment! That just always seems to make things a little messy doesn't it! And it makes eating out quite expensive - I have a teenage boy too! And I think he could out eat me anyday!! And then the laundry - seriously - have you ever caught up? I don't think I have nor ever will! :)

  4. The laundry is endless, isn't it? And, right now my kids are eating me out of house and home!

  5. I love the theory on sharing a room. It's so true. We're only a family of three and I am never caught up on laundry either. Really, it's what I should be doing now! :)
